Thursday, November 12, 2009

Riding My Hobbyhorse and the Seven Wonders of the World – of My World, that is…

Now that I’m Unemployed, hence a Jobless Wonder - which is occasionally better than being a Dateless Wonder I suppose - I’ve now got a lot of free time. Tons of free time to write and work on the wonders of my world. I’m rather enjoying riding my hobbyhorse.

Hobbyhorse is the word of the day. I love it! It fits my world view and vision. Plus, it’s a damn fun word.


noun: A favorite pastime, a pet project or topic; an obsession.

The everyday word hobby is a shortening of the term hobbyhorse. A hobbyhorse is a child's riding toy, consisting of a stick with the shape of a horse's head on the front. It was called hobbyhorse, probably from the name Robin or Hobin usually given to a small horse. The word is often used in a metaphorical sense as "to ride one's hobby-horse" meaning to pursue a pet topic.”

The above as quoted from

Riding a Hobbyhorse for worthwhile things is better than wasting my time. At first I used my Loads of Free Time to do many nonsensical and/or futile things such as:

*Sulk since I got laid off in June (but sulking wears off and the people in your life get sick of it, too. Feeling sorry for oneself can only go so far. Normally I’ve discovered a month of this is still far too long. Unless you want to be a social pariah or a Social Wildebeast, you’d better stop your self-pity party and stop sulking.)

*Sleep thwartingly late, waking to discover that it takes more than a couple of hours to retract those sleep come-nither pillow lines off my face

*Watch TONS of Cable TV until I realized I no longer needed to even HAVE Cable TV

*Hang out with LOTS of friends until I realized I no longer could afford to do anything other than an occasional lunch or coffee at a cheap hangout place or potluck dinner at people’s houses. What’s cool: discovered a downtown dive bar that serves Guinness for $2, gotta love this!

*Hang out Endless Fun Hours at random bookstores – oh yeah I STILL do this! I’d actually like to scratch this and say that it is neither nonsensical nor futile to hang at a bookstore. They are fantastic places for doing research, catching up on the latest and greatest books, including Chick Lit, and hanging with friends. There are a lot of nice people at bookstores, too. Oh and of course they KNOW what I like: Café Mocha, avec whipped cream with one of those cute little doo-dads, chocolate straw thingies…and thank you very much. Yumilicious!

Jobless Wonder really isn’t a bad thing. It’s making me evolve into an entrepreneur and a blogger. I’ve gotten back into my writing. I started exercising a little, too. And cooking. And quite recently, my girlfriend, Heavenly (not her real name but it fits), invited me to illustrate her upcoming children’s book. She also said I could split any profit made from her book. Very cool!

In my view, everyone’s got their own Seven Wonders of the World.

Mine changes daily.

Seven Wonders of My World:

1. Blogging and Writing. I’m really enjoying riding this hobbyhorse of mine. I just love it. The writing just flows. Writing is also good therapy. I have to admit, being a Jobless Wonder has dampened my usually effervescent ever-burgeoning ego, but I am getting it back with writing.

2. My niece, Lovely (not her real name but close enough for Government work, as my daddy used to say)

3. Illustrating

4. Chocolate, including Café Mocha at Border’s bookstore

5. Watching movies. Just saw Men Who Stare at Goats. Wonderful! George Clooney and Ewen MacGregor ROCK!

6. Learning to cook. I’m going to take my beau, Rotisserie Todd’s gourmet cooking class this coming Saturday! Yahoo! He is quite the Gourmand Aficionado Foodie = GAF and I just love it! Very GAFFISH. We just made Posole in the crock pot and it’s To Die For!

7. Paper art. I do collages on paper. It’s another hobbyhorse of mine.

And now…back to writing on my Chick Lit/Paranormal/Comedy/Thriller/Murder Mystery novel!

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